What is KAF?

It has been initiated by ex.e.r.ce participants in the choreography centre of Montpellier.

It is an open concept from young artists addressed to other artists as well as to audience interested in performing arts and in the question:


is an self-organizing and constantly changing space which includes the different elements of a theatre such as:

the STAGE which invites you to visit open rehearsals, lectures, interviews, and works-in-progress;

the BAR as an interactive space filled up with music, talks, drinks, and sharing;

the MEDIATHEK as an open and exposed library, personalized by all people who conceive it.


A bar in K.a.F.

Here are some suggestions, how to organize the BAR:

Job description:

  • I would be responsible for the cash (counting it at the opening and closing of the bar), for doing a schedule for those who want to "work" at the bar, for coordinating the different ideas that come up in our heads and that concern the life at the bar.

Some technical things:

  • Two services: one self-service, when KAF is not open for the audience and another (usual) one, when KAF is open for the audience.

  • Two price rates: internal (for those who are active in the life of KAF) and external (for the audience).

  • We should define what would be to eat and drink at the bar:

for drinks: tea, coffee, fruit juice and beer, wine, refreshing drink with ginger and lemon;
for food: chips, peanuts, home-made cakes.

Or we could buy mini-sandwiches and think of collaboration with other alternative food providers outsied KAF (Gérald's idea).

  • To ask whether it is possible to get a "tireuse" (for draft beer), a coffee machine, wheter there is already a fridge, some tables and chairs or some sofas, water boiler for tea, what is the festival bar offering? A TV-set or video projector; at least a radio, but better a small stereo system.

The idea(s):

An informal and lively place for exchange: it is the place, where the audience can get its first insight into the KAF activities and at the same time it is a place for internal exchange. (C'est un premier espace pour les gens pour entrer en contact voir pour participer à d'éventuels évènements donc il reste ouvert à toute propositions déplacée.)

Some brain-storming:

  • An information point for exposing the schedule of daily events in KAFentuels évènements de la journée ( workshops, lectures...);

  • A danced karaoke: to suggest a set of video clips and a small dance floor to create a merry movement cabaret;

  • A place to recite/expose the magazine;

  • A place for small musical events;

  • A service, where everybody speaks their mother tongue;

  • A place for diffusing the videos and photos of KAF events;

  • To invent a new service (for exemple, you can order a coffee only by a certain way of moving...);

  • An extension for the events organized by mediatheque.

1 comment:

Madeleine said...

Salut Florent et les autres "bar organisators", je suis Madeleine du CNDC et je suis assez partante pour prendre en charge le bar avec vous. Je vous ai renvoyé le formulaire avec quelques idées mais j'attends aussi d'être sur place avec vous pour que les autres arrivent... J'y serai à partir du 14 Août donc on se tient au courant d'ici là. Bises. Madeleine