This is a message from Hermann, just to spread a bit what was going on. I think now it is important to name and share what interests there are for K.a.F. In the last week we from ex.e.r.ce had some meetings about K.a.F.
Our starting position is that we have three different forms, how K.a.F. will be presented in the frame of Tanz im August.
So this was a little introduction, some of it is maybe already known. But post questions and comments, so that we can use this blog to organize and define K.a.F. in advance, although being spread in many different places!
Howdy Hermann
Our starting position is that we have three different forms, how K.a.F. will be presented in the frame of Tanz im August.
- there is a GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT on Sunday 19th of August in Podewil. This presentation will be made together with all K.a.F. Partecipants in the week from August on, where everybody meets in Berlin. How could this presentation look like? in ex.e.r.ce we thought of it as a kind of performative lecture/ fake press conference. To do a presentation of the project, its aims and problematics and the questions and wishes from a lot of different participants. But to do this in a performative, playful way which invites the public to visit K.a.F. in HAU 3 the next days. If people have other ideas and comments on this, post it on the blog!
- then there is THE DAILY ACTIVITIES OF K.a.F., starting on Monday 20th of August in HAU 3 and open every weekday from 4 to 7 p.m. to the public. This is the core activity of K.a.F., consisting of the HAU 3 Stage, (where for instance showings, discussions, lectures take place), a mediatheque, a reception desk, a bar.... We like to think not only the things happening on stage as a performance: how a mediatheque, a bar, a reception desk can be turned into a performance, a choreography? Every K.a.F. Participant can contribute and invest into this framework. It will be therefore helpful to prepare a personal departure point, what you want to try out, what you want to show, what you want to talk about... To organize all this, we from ex.e.r.ce signed up in different groups of interest. right now there are Programmation (of Shows+Theory) group, Bar group, Mediateque/Magazine/Documentation group, Programmation of Music group, a Reception group...these groups of interest will present their work here on the blog, so all non-ex.e.r.ce K.a.F. members can see what is going on and join them according to their interests.
- THE 10-MINUTES MARATHON, which will take place in K.a.F. the weekend of 25./26. August beginning each day at 4 p.m. This is, as written in the concept, a marathon open for everybody interested in using the time of ten minutes on stage to present something. This marathon is open for everyone interested, K.a.F. partcipants or not. Right now we have there to think how to frame it, that it doesn't become only a big bombardement with shows, but instead how this openness of K.a.F. to the exterior can be fertile. All the ideas are welcome!
So this was a little introduction, some of it is maybe already known. But post questions and comments, so that we can use this blog to organize and define K.a.F. in advance, although being spread in many different places!
Howdy Hermann
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